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BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//MHCreations Blythweb//NONSGML Event Calendar//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Christmas Day Charity Swim, at Southwold DTSTART:20241225T093000Z DTEND:20241225T225959Z DTSTAMP:20240709T113759Z UID:20241225T103000-16463-ChristmasDayCharitySwimatSouthwold DESCRIPTION:Swimmers must be aged 16+years and will enter the water at 10:30am. Registration required, either on the day, or in advance at reduced cost. (Details to come). If choosing to register on the day please do so well in advance of 10:30am. A fun event in which to take part or to watch, raising funds for charities each year. This year's recipients to be announced. LOCATION:Gun Hill Beach, Southwold ORGANIZER:Blyth Valley Rotary STATUS:CONFIRMED PRIORITY:0 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
Christmas Day Charity Swim, at Southwold

Organised by: Blyth Valley Rotary
Venue: Gun Hill Beach, Southwold link
Swimmers must be aged 16+years and will enter the water at 10:30am. Registration required, either on the day, or in advance at reduced cost. (Details to come). If choosing to register on the day please do so well in advance of 10:30am.
A fun event in which to take part or to watch, raising funds for charities each year. This year's recipients to be announced.
Ticket Details: Registration required, either in advance (at reduced cost) or on the day (before 10:30am). Details and link to come.
Who to Contact: Email from this page :
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