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BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//MHCreations Blythweb//NONSGML Event Calendar//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Southwold 2024 Literary Festival DTSTART:20241108T140000Z DTEND:20241108T235959Z DTSTAMP:20240828T155444Z UID:20241108T140000-16928-Southwold2024LiteraryFestival DESCRIPTION:Taking place Friday 8th - Sunday 10th November, featuring a mix of fiction and non-fiction authors speaking about a fascinating range of subjects. Today at 2pm Carol Woolton and at 3:30pm Professor Richard Fortey. LOCATION:Southwold Arts Centre, Cumberland Road,Southwold IP18 6JP ORGANIZER;CN=Southwold STATUS:CONFIRMED PRIORITY:0 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
Southwold 2024 Literary Festival

Organised by: Southwold Library
Venue: Southwold Arts Centre, Cumberland Road,Southwold IP18 6JP
Taking place Friday 8th - Sunday 10th November, featuring a mix of fiction and non-fiction authors speaking about a fascinating range of subjects. Today at 2pm Carol Woolton and at 3:30pm Professor Richard Fortey.
Ticket Details: £6 a talk / £10 Friday day ticket / £25 Saturday or Sunday day ticket / £60 for whole weekend. Book at Southwold Library or See
Who to Contact: Southwold Library, by phone 01502 722519, by email :
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