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BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//MHCreations Blythweb//NONSGML Event Calendar//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Jan Etherington presents Two Audio Plays, in aid of The Pear Tree Fund DTSTART:20250118T143000Z DTEND:20250118T235959Z DTSTAMP:20250110T160548Z UID:20250118T143000-17293-JanEtheringtonpresentsTwoAudioPlaysinaidof DESCRIPTION:Multi-award winning comedy writer and patron of the Pear Tree Fund, Jan Etherington has written two audio plays which will be performed live today at 2:30pm and at 7:30pm. The plays are called ‘The S.H.I.T. Club (Supporting Husbands in Trauma)’ and ‘You’ll be Fine’. Jan has a unique talent to move her audience to tears and laughter all at the same time. These plays are both poignant and witty and give an insight into the emotional impact of caring for a loved one in the toughest of times. LOCATION:The Cut Arts Centre, Halesworth IP19 8BY ORGANIZER:The Pear Tree Fund STATUS:CONFIRMED PRIORITY:0 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
Jan Etherington presents Two Audio Plays, in aid of The Pear Tree Fund

Organised by: The Pear Tree Fund (Charity Reg: 1155419)
Venue: The Cut Arts Centre, Halesworth IP19 8BY link
Multi-award winning comedy writer and patron of the Pear Tree Fund, Jan Etherington has written two audio plays which will be performed live today at 2:30pm and at 7:30pm. The plays are called ‘The S.H.I.T. Club (Supporting Husbands in Trauma)’ and ‘You’ll be Fine’. Jan has a unique talent to move her audience to tears and laughter all at the same time. These plays are both poignant and witty and give an insight into the emotional impact of caring for a loved one in the toughest of times.
Ticket Details: Ticket £12
To know more about Halesworth or for accommodation in the area go to

BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//MHCreations Blythweb//NONSGML Event Calendar//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Jan Etherington presents Two Audio Plays, in aid of The Pear Tree Fund DTSTART:20250118T193000Z DTEND:20250118T235959Z DTSTAMP:20250110T160629Z UID:20250118T193000-JanEtheringtonpresentsTwoAudioPlaysinaidofThePearTre DESCRIPTION:Multi-award winning comedy writer and patron of the Pear Tree Fund, Jan Etherington has written two audio plays which will be performed live today at 2:30pm and at 7:30pm. The plays are called ‘The S.H.I.T. Club (Supporting Husbands in Trauma)’ and ‘You’ll be Fine’. Jan has a unique talent to move her audience to tears and laughter all at the same time. These plays are both poignant and witty and give an insight into the emotional impact of caring for a loved one in the toughest of times. LOCATION:The Cut Arts Centre, Halesworth IP19 8BY ORGANIZER:The Pear Tree Fund STATUS:CONFIRMED PRIORITY:0 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
Jan Etherington presents Two Audio Plays, in aid of The Pear Tree Fund

Organised by: The Pear Tree Fund (Charity Reg: 1155419)
Venue: The Cut Arts Centre, Halesworth IP19 8BY link
Multi-award winning comedy writer and patron of the Pear Tree Fund, Jan Etherington has written two audio plays which will be performed live today at 2:30pm and at 7:30pm. The plays are called ‘The S.H.I.T. Club (Supporting Husbands in Trauma)’ and ‘You’ll be Fine’. Jan has a unique talent to move her audience to tears and laughter all at the same time. These plays are both poignant and witty and give an insight into the emotional impact of caring for a loved one in the toughest of times.
Ticket Details: Ticket £12
To know more about Halesworth or for accommodation in the area go to