Events for

– 16:15

BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//MHCreations Blythweb//NONSGML Event Calendar//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Mah Jong, at Southwold Library DTSTART:20250314T141500Z DTEND:20250314T161500Z DTSTAMP:20250213T165616Z UID:20250314T141500-17412-MahJongatSouthwoldLibrary DESCRIPTION:Can you play mah-jong? Do you want to learn? Come along and join the group at Southwold Library on the 2nd and 4th Friday of the month. £1 per person. LOCATION:Southwold Library, Hospital Hub, Field Stile Road,South IP18 6LD ORGANIZER:Southwold Library STATUS:CONFIRMED PRIORITY:0 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
Mah Jong, at Southwold Library

Venue: Southwold Library, Hospital Hub, Field Stile Road,Southwold IP18 6LD link
Can you play mah-jong? Do you want to learn? Come along and join the group at Southwold Library on the 2nd and 4th Friday of the month. £1 per person.
Ticket Details: £1 per person.
Who to Contact: Southwold Library, by phone 01502 722519, or email
To know more about Southwold or for accommodation in the area go to

BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//MHCreations Blythweb//NONSGML Event Calendar//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:EPP Film Evening - MIDNIGHT IN PARIS (12A) DTSTART:20250314T190000Z DTEND:20250314T235959Z DTSTAMP:20250119T174925Z UID:20250314T190000-EPPFilmEvening-MIDNIGHTINPARIS(12A) DESCRIPTION:Doors open 7pm for 7:15pm start. One of the best Woody Allen films, featuring Owen Wilson, Rachel McAdams and Tom Hiddleston as F.Scott Fitzgerald. A nostalgic screenwriter finds himself transported to the 1920s. Very enjoyable film - great jazz music too. 2011. 94mins. Southwold Film Society membership required @ £10 a year or £3 for a film season, contact Box Office for details and for bookings. All seats bookable in advance only, to SFS members and their guests. This Winter Season runs until April 19th. Tickets: Stalls £6 or £7/Circle £8/Royal Box £15. Evening includes Interval, Organ and National Anthem. LOCATION:Electric Picture Palace, Blackmill Road, Southwold IP18 6AQ ORGANIZER;CN=Southwold Film STATUS:CONFIRMED PRIORITY:0 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
EPP Film Evening - MIDNIGHT IN PARIS (12A)

Organised by: Southwold Film Society (Reg.Charity 1080324)
Venue: Electric Picture Palace, Blackmill Road, Southwold IP18 6AQ link
Doors open 7pm for 7:15pm start. One of the best Woody Allen films, featuring Owen Wilson, Rachel McAdams and Tom Hiddleston as F.Scott Fitzgerald. A nostalgic screenwriter finds himself transported to the 1920s. Very enjoyable film - great jazz music too. 2011. 94mins.
Southwold Film Society membership required @ £10 a year or £3 for a film season, contact Box Office for details and for bookings. All seats bookable in advance only, to SFS members and their guests. This Winter Season runs until April 19th. Tickets: Stalls £6 or £7/Circle £8/Royal Box £15. Evening includes Interval, Organ and National Anthem.
Ticket Details: See text. Southwold Film Society membership required @ £10 a year or £3 for a film season, contact Box Office for details and for bookings.
Who to Contact: Email :
To know more about Southwold or for accommodation in the area go to