Events for

– 12:30

BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//MHCreations Blythweb//NONSGML Event Calendar//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Minsmere Health Walk DTSTART:20241127T104500Z DTEND:20241127T123000Z DTSTAMP:20241031T153534Z UID:20241127T104500-17058-MinsmereHealthWalk DESCRIPTION:Meet at the RSPB Minsmere visitor centre at 10:45 am for an 11am start. A lovely walk around Minsmere, home to some of Suffolk’s greatest wildlife. Depending on the weather and walkers’ abilities and preferences, we will take a coastal, woodland, or reedbed route. During the Health Walk you'll get free access to the reserve, but normal entry fees apply at other times. No dogs are allowed, except assistance dogs kept on a short lead. Grade: 2 or 3. 1.5-2 miles / 1-1.5hrs. Led by RSPB volunteers trained as Health Walk Leaders, these walks are run as part of the One Life Suffolk health walks programme. LOCATION:RSPB Nature Reserve, Minsmere IP17 3BY ORGANIZER:RSPB Nature Reserve STATUS:CONFIRMED PRIORITY:0 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
Minsmere Health Walk

Venue: RSPB Nature Reserve, Minsmere IP17 3BY link
Meet at the RSPB Minsmere visitor centre at 10:45 am for an 11am start. A lovely walk around Minsmere, home to some of Suffolk’s greatest wildlife. Depending on the weather and walkers’ abilities and preferences, we will take a coastal, woodland, or reedbed route. During the Health Walk you'll get free access to the reserve, but normal entry fees apply at other times. No dogs are allowed, except assistance dogs kept on a short lead. Grade: 2 or 3. 1.5-2 miles / 1-1.5hrs. Led by RSPB volunteers trained as Health Walk Leaders, these walks are run as part of the One Life Suffolk health walks programme.
Ticket Details: No booking needed for this walk. See
Who to Contact: Email or call on 01728 648281 for further details.
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